Spoiler Alert:
I arrived for The Hunger Games two hours early at ten o'clock. The theater was already packed, and not a single parking spot was open. After buying the usual popcorn and drinks I sat in the theater for two hours. It actually was fairly interesting. People trying to explain the books to their friends who haven't read the series, "No, he isn't her boyfriend". Kudos to the guy in the back who would announce "One hour left", and everybody would clap. After the advertisements, and the customary boos during the Twilight trailer the movie started.

Positives: We are VERY appreciative for the creation of the movie. It is like Suzanne Collins said "They are two separate, yet complementary things". Overall, this was a good watch, and the cast was amazing (Especially Amandla and Jennifer). Stock up on tissues for Rue.

Negatives: Even from the beginning I could tell something was off. The tone and voice of the movie were not reflected well in the film, and it seemed to be more from Caesar Flickerman's perspective than Katniss's. While Caesar Flickerman was a very comical character, and Stanley Tucci was amazing the books were in Katniss's perspective. I wonder what it would be like to not read the books and see the movie. Would you know Katniss was not in love with Peeta? Would you know if Peeta actually loved Katniss?

The movie was not spaced very well. Katniss was in the arena for what seemed to be four or five days, and that made it rather odd. In a single day with Peeta she healed him, went to the feast, and kissed him that single time. Yes, there was only one kiss. I know that they only had two and a half hours, but I think it could have been done better. The movie was glossed over. Plain and simple. The mutts were not that scary, the kills were played down, and we spent more time in the gamemaker's control room than with Katniss.

Conclusion: Caesar Flickerman explained the entire movie. It was too fast. It was glossed over. These are the negatives, but we liked it a lot! Most of the acting was amazing, and District 12 was just like I imagined it.

- Kari