With the recent debut of 'The Hunger Games' trailer lots of fans have started videos with clips from the trailer. The team scoured youtube today for some videos with trailer clips and this is what we found. We have not concluded our HGBFV awards yet, and so we decided to add this section to the awards. Email Kari@hungergamesfilm.net to send us your vote. Remember to tell us why you like your choice. We have also included our favorite song interpretations, these songs were written by Suzanne Collins.

Hunger Games

May the odds be ever in your favor

That don't kill me

If im gonna die, I want to still be me

Song Interpretation

Hanging Tree

"The Hanging Tree" - Mockingjay Suzanne Collins

The Hanging Tree" - Hunger Games

Rue's Lullaby coming tomorrow.... Remember to vote for the HGBFV round two