"Reaction to getting the role:
I couldn’t speak. I was so excited. It was literally you got the part…….ah ah I couldn’t say anything. I’m never speechless and I was.
Most nerve-wracking thing taking on this role:
It’s somewhat nerve-wracking to know that so many fans hold it so close to their heart and they want to see it done right. And I definitely want to do that right by them. But at the same time I think it’s more exciting to know that you have that many people that are that excited to see your portrayal of the role and portrayal of the movie and everything. So, I’m very excited about it.
One similarity between Josh and Peeta:
I can bake. Actually I can. I make a mean apple pie. A French apple pie, that’s how good I am. I can bake a little. I’ve made some loaves of bread, that weren’t that bad actually. But I’m more of a grill master. I doing the grilling kinda thing. Being from Kentucky, like the barbeque, that’s more up my alley.
One difference between Josh and Peeta:
I’d like to say I’m a little more, a little, stronger than Peeta is in the sense of a person. I think Peeta is a little younger and so has a little more to learn about life. And kind of living in the districts and not being in a free country, I think you are a kinda sheltered a lot. So I think I’m a little more worldly and a little more well versed in the ways of life than Peeta is.
Physical and emotional challenges of filming:
Physically, the stuff where I was laying in the riverbed when Katniss finds me and I’m covered in moss and all that. That was tough cause I had to literally lay there for like almost 2 hours and not move while in this full body makeup that was really intense, it looks incredible. That was very trying physically.
Emotionally, all the stuff in the cave between Katniss and myself, that’s like our entire character like relationship moment right there. And to shoot all those scenes in only a few days was tough, but I think we really did a great job with it.
Other actors that nailed their role:
The obvious one is Jennifer. I think Jennifer’s portrayal of Katniss is so spot on and she really does encapsulate Katniss’ strength as a heroine perfectly honestly. So she to me is the one who stands out immediately. But between Woody with Haymitch, and Elizabeth, and Caeaser Flickerman, everybody was so spot on with their roles it was just kind of amazing to see it sort of come to life right off the page.
Chemistry with Jennifer:
Jennifer and I, it was like instant chemistry. I think that we both were from kinda the same part of the country. We sort of had the same sort of upbringing. So we’re similar in that sense. And then we’re both just real people. We’re not about anything except for just having a good time and just hanging out and so I think that we connected on that for sure.
Who would win in a real life Hunger Games, Josh, Jennifer or Liam?
That’s a tough question! Honestly, I grew up like playing outside, and playing in the woods and I’m very into like camping and survivalist kind of things. I watch a lot of Man vs Wild. So I feel like I’m well prepared in that sense. But it’d be a close one. I might be a front runner in that battle, I’m not sure." - (CB, 2011)