In the Hunger Games series and movie White Roses play a symbolic part of President Snow's persona. President Snow is known for smelling like blood and roses and tends to a costly rose garden. There are three points in the book where roses are very symbolic.

In Catching Fire Katniss discovers that President Snow smells of 'blood and roses'.

In the first chapter of Mockingjay Katniss finds white roses left on her dresser. Katniss believes that these roses were left by President Snow (she believes they are meant to say 'I can find you').

In the middle of Mockingjay we learn that President Snow smells like roses because of poison.

One of the things I liked best in the Hunger Games movie was that white roses were everywhere. The apartment and train were covered in them! I thought this was a very good way to sneak in some symbolism.

What is your opinion of the symbolism and effect of white roses in the Hunger Games?

P.S Just note that President Snow's roses were genetically enchanced!

Source: (Image)