For over four years I have posted on this blog, obsessed over the books, and waited in anticipation for the movies.

Tonight, I saw Mockingjay Part 2. The end of an era, the end of years of dedication.

I will be honest, I didn't like it. Everything I liked about Mockingjay was removed, everything I disliked was extended.

The greatest scenes in Mockingjay, the lovable snarky hijacked Peeta's interactions with Katniss, were completely erased. Katniss's mental breakdown was gone. Katniss and Peeta mending, overcoming their darkness...wasn't really there.

Hell, they couldn't even spring for $5 hair-dye to do Peeta's roots.

Mockingjay was about two people being broken, it was about the devestation brought about by war. But it wasn't there in the films, Katniss pretty much walked away after killing Coin with nothing more than a "meh." Peeta recovered in less than five seconds.

The film missed the entire point of the book, the entire point of the series. It opted to show people walked through tunnels instead of connecting us with characters. It wasn't about Katniss or Peeta, it was an action movie with little substance.

But hey, give it 10 years, and we'll all get to see the bigger, better remake.