In summary, the first edition of Mockingjay wasn't nearly as exciting as Catching Fire, but it wasn't as poorly constructed as the first movie. With the portion of the source material that was given, Francis Lawrence certainly did his job.

There were some distinct inconsistencies in regards to the book. Coin was portrayed in a far too sympathetic light, it didn't carry the same 'texture' as the first portion of the book. Effie, however, was a welcome diversion. 

Jennifer Lawrence's acting has greatly improved. She carried herself beautifully as Katniss. Her rendition of the Hanging Tree was truly breathtaking. Josh Hutcherson's scenes were heartbreaking. Natalie Dormer played Cressida in a brilliant light. The dream sequence (in which Katniss imagines Peeta in Thirteen) was so adorably tragic.

There were some slow moments, of course, and it probably would have been better for the movie to end with Peeta's hands around Katniss's neck, like the chapter did in the books, but it was an overall decent adaption. 

That being said, the movie definitely left me with an empty feeling. Although, I suppose that was the point.

(P.S.) There was some bad-ass tree climbing in this film.