Every year the staff at hungergamesfilm.net compiles a list of the best fan created videos pertaining to the Hunger Games. This includes trailers, music, tributes, and just about anything you can post to youtube. We are now allowing readers to submit nominations.

You can send your nominations to hungergamesfilmblog@gmail.com

  • Submissions should be posted to youtube.
  • Submissions must be mainly relevant to the Hunger Games although they may inculde characters from other fandoms.
  • Submissions should include the name or nickname of the sender.
  • You are allowed to submit your own work.
  • Please do not include any irrelevant or inappropriate content.
  • Subject line should read "BFV SUBMISSION" 
  • Submissions must have been posted after November 1st, 2011.

To: hungergamesfilmblog@gmail.com


Name: (insert name here)
Link: (insert youtube link here)
Reasons for Nomination: (Speak about why you believe this submission deserves to be nominated for the Best Fan Videos. You may also speak about how this video makes you feel.)