Josh Hutcherson spoke with IGN about Peeta's character arc!
IGN: Now that the film has come out, how would you describe the reaction from the fans after seeing it?
Hutcherson: It's been incredible. I'm still blown away by it. I think that when we started to make the movie we had an idea that there were a lot of fans of the books and whatnot, but I don't think that anybody really expected it to be this well received. So for me it's just a dream come true to make something that you love, that you're really proud of, that people also really loved.
IGN: Do you feel vindicated now that the fans approve of you as Peeta?
Hutcherson: It does feel good. Especially when you have so many people who have so many different opinions of what the character should be like. It's good to know that all in all, they're pretty satisfied with it. It's definitely a little nerve wracking when you're making it because you're like, "Wow, a lot of people like this character so I hope I'm doing it the right way." So I'm very happy and the response has been really great.
IGN: Now that the movie is coming out on DVD and Blu-ray, do you feel that anticipation ramping up all over again?
Hutcherson: I'd say so, yeah. It's very similar to when the movie opened, because there are a lot of people who maybe didn't get a chance to see it in the theater and now they're going to see it for the first time. So I hope we get it right by them as well. So there's definitely some of that same nervousness I'd say, of just hoping that people respond well to it, even though it came out and people mostly did respond well to it. But yeah, there's definitely a bit of that, "Oh, god. I hope people like it" again.
IGN: Do you think the movie holds up on DVD?
Hutcherson: Definitely. I love watching movies on DVD. I love the moviegoing experience because of the popcorn and the big screen and the sound and everything with the audience is awesome. But there's also something nice about being able to sit and enjoy a movie in the privacy of your own home. It's really nice and calm. I feel like when I see it in the theater I'm there for the experience, and when I see it at home I'm there for the actual movie, seeing the movie itself.
Read more at IGN.