Katniss: Slytherin
might get a bad rap, but hear us out on this one -- it's not always a
bad thing. As a tribute, she's ultra-focused on survival, a classic
Slytherin trait. If she were a Gryffindor, she might sacrifice herself
in the Games so that another tribute could survive (the way Harry was
willing to die for the good of others in the final scenes of Deathly Hallows). Instead, she's a fierce competitor with a deep instinct to survive.
Peeta: Hufflepuff
favorite District 12 cutie is a Hufflepuff. He's kind, selfless, and
cares deeply for others (including Katniss!). Even as a child, he saved
Katniss and her family from starvation by giving her bread. But it's not
all fun and games for Peeta; in true Hufflepuff fashion, Katniss
rejects Peeta the same way that Remus rejected Tonks, a Hufflepuff.
Gale: Gryffindor
has Gryffindor written all over him. He comes from a poor family, but
doesn't let that get him down -- family is everything to him. While
Katniss is fighting in the Games, he takes over her responsibilities to
her mother and sister and asks for nothing in return. We think he's a
lot like Ron Weasley, who would do anything for his family and friends.