Think about it for a moment, how everybody that Katniss loved ended up destroyed in the end. The irony in the fact she spent her life trying to protect everyone, but only resulted in making them perish in one way or another.
* Spoilers
People Katniss Cared About
  •  Prim (Died)
  • Mother (There relationship fell apart, and she moved away to District 4)
  • Gale (There relationship was broken, and Gale left to District 2. He was heavy with the burden of guilt, heartbreak, and the pain and scars of the war)
  • Peeta (hijacked)
  • Finnick (Died)

Posted on Monday, January 30, 2012 by Editor

Posted on Monday, January 30, 2012 by Editor

This amazing "fantasy soundtrack" video feautures some great songs!

Posted on Sunday, January 29, 2012 by Editor

Katniss vs Bella (Moves Like Jagger Parody)

The Hunger Games Parody

Posted on Saturday, January 28, 2012 by Editor

Fences (Paramore)

Posted on Friday, January 27, 2012 by Editor

Because of You: This song is perfect on how Katniss's mother affects her in life.
Let The Flames Begin:  This song reflects Katniss's feelings on being the mockingjay, and her feelings toward the capitol.
Stand in the Rain: This song reflects Katniss throughout the entire series.

Posted on Friday, January 27, 2012 by Editor

Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2012 by Admin

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You can find a way to look at  this one how ever you want:

Posted on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 by Admin

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Taylor Swift's Father's Facebook Page:"Just back from Safe and Sound Video Shoot. I think it is by far the best I have ever seen. The scenery and shots are amazing as is Taylor walking barefoot across fields with rocks in cold weather. What a trooper. But it works! Stay tuned. I cannot wait for this one."

Posted on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 by Editor

From MTV Hollywood Crush " MTV reports that the Decembrists have recorded a new song titled, "One Engine," while Arcade Fire will supply their previously recorded instrumental "Horn of Plenty." nobody else seemed to catch this, but we did.

Posted on Friday, January 06, 2012 by Admin

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Hunger Games Fan Videos (January)

Make-up Tutorial: Katniss Everdeen Look

Peeta/Katniss/Gale [The Hunger Games] - Back into the world I've known 

Rue's Lullaby- Hunger Games




Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2012 by Editor

These songs were selected as our song suggestions for Primrose Everdeen's Perspective. We thought these songs really spoke to us, and we felt Prim's pain and strife in these fascinating songs. Our favorite of these selections is Come Home (One Republic) because so many of the lines speak directly to us. These songs will be avaliable in our Song Suggestions page in one week.

Come Home (One Republic)

If I Die Young (The Band Perry)

Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2012 by Editor

You can model your Instyle creations after these Capitol Citizens
We were all drawn into InStyle Celebrity Makeover because you could try on a Katniss braid, but I discovered a new passion of mine. I like to create wacky Capitol citizens. If you have a minute of spare time check it out. "IThe Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen’s braid is one of the most important parts of her look. So, with the movie adaptation coming out this March, the film’s lead hairstylist Linda Flowers worked tirelessly to perfect the side-swept style for Katniss (played by Jennifer Lawrence) on the big screen. And now you can score the same look with the help of our Hollywood Makeover Tool! Simply upload your photo, and you’ll have the plaited pony in an instantno dye, no twists required. Then, be sure to share your look with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. As for how it will turn out? May the odds be ever in your favor! Go ahead, try it now by clicking the link below." (Instyle, 2011).

Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2012 by Editor

by *palnk

An interview with Katniss's (Jennifer Lawrence) stylist revealed some pretty juicy information. The stylist revealed that Katniss wears a 50s style pink dress upon her return to District 12. Pink! I bet Katniss was not too happy about that dress. I feel a bit odd about Katniss's interview dress that was seen in the trailer, because it was pretty ugly. How do they expect to portray Cinna with a dress like that. The thing that worries me most is that designing a decent dress is not that hard, and if they skimped on this... Will this movie just be a disappointment?
Note: According to my memory Katniss did wear a pale pink strapless dress to a banquet in district 11.

Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2012 by Admin

1 comment